Why is it worth investing in the Polish real estate market?
In IMG INVESTEMNTS we are not only real estate and business experts, but also investors. That’s why we know with what kind of problems and doubts is each entrepreneur struggling with. Let us support your decisions with our extensive experience and knowledge.
Poland is the right choice

Stable economy
The systematic GDP growth and resilience of the financial sector prove that Poland is a safe and profitable place to invest capital. The Polish economy has proven many times that it is capable of resisting various types of crises and shocks in global markets including 2007–2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 recession.

Significant international position
Poland is a strong partner and member of institutions such as:
- The European Union
- The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
- The Schengen zone
Owing to its developed food, metallurgical, automotive, energy, machine, and electromechanical industries, as well as its thriving foreign trade, Poland plays an important role in both European and global markets.

Foreign investor’s choice
Poland is praised by experts and analysts. According to analysis by Coface (coface.com), the main advantages of the Polish economy include:
- A market of 38 million people
- Economic diversification
- Proximity of and good transport connections with Western European countries
- Competitive prices
- A qualified workforce at a good price
- Integration with the German production chain
- Resilience of the financial sector
According to OECD data, foreign entities invested USD 25 billion in our country in 2021.
Advantages of the Polish real estate market

The Polish potential data indicates that real estate prices will systematically increase in Poland. At the same time, the current situation is perfect for investing in Polish real estate, because the relation of the zloty to Western currencies has recently been clearly in favor of the latter, which means that purchasing flats is relatively cheap for foreign entities now.
Jacek Furga
President of the Management Board of the Center for Analysis and Monitoring of the Real Estate Market (AMRON)
President of the Center for Banking Law
Favorable prices and quick increase in value
The value of Polish real estate has been increasing steadily for years, but its prices are still very favorable in comparison to other European countries.
- The average price per square meter of a flat on the secondary market in december 2022 (morizon.pl):
Warszawa - 13598 zł (2887 eur)
Poznań - 9288 zł (1972 eur)

- The average price of 1 ha of agricultural land in 2022 (GUS - Central Statistical Office):
59 358 zł (12603 eur)
Great opportunities
The excellent investment opportunities offered by the Polish market attract investors with a variety of business plans.
- It is possible to buy land with the intention of reselling it when its value increases,
- It is also a good idea to look for opportunities to transform agricultural land into commercial and service areas,
- There has been a high demand for new flats in Poland,
- There is also an increasing interest in flat rental,
- Special Economic Zones and subsidies make it easier to invest in land and industrial buildings.

Incentives for investors
The considerable number of investor incentives is another advantage of the Polish real estate market. These include, but are not limited to:
- Good infrastructure – motorways, airports, railway,
- Proximity of Western European countries,
- Developed construction sector,
- Qualified, cheap labor.
Invest with experienced business partner

3 basic advices for future investors
If we were to give some basic advice to future investors, it would be summed up in the following 3 points:
1. Define your needs
If you want to find the right investment, you must first define your goals, capabilities, and areas of interest.
2. Have your finger on the pulse
Follow expert analysis and forecasts, get to know the intricacies of the local real estate market well, stay up to date with prices and trends, and look for opportunities.
3. Cooperate with experienced partners
Professional advice, sense of security, and legal and implementation support are the most valuable elements of investing in a foreign country.

IMG INVESTMENTS - Trust and experience to lead the way
IMG INVESTMENTS presents a unique offer of comprehensive support and consultancy regarding planning and realizing investments in properties in Poland. Thanks to 20 years of experince in real estate market and international business, we can provide our clients with acces to the latest market analysis and best offers, professional legal and implementation support, property management and much more.
Please contact us and find out how we can support your investment.
- Economic studies, Poland, COFACE.COM, 02,2022, online: https://www.coface.com/Economic-Studies-and-Country-Risks/Poland, accessed on: 28 January 2023.
- Fuga Jacek, Nieruchomości to przespana szansa polskiego rynku finansowego, interview carried out by R. Lidke, 28 December 2021, online: https://www.obserwatorfinansowy.pl/tematyka/rynki-finansowe/bankowosc/nieruchomosci-to-przespana-szansa-rozwoju-polskiego-rynku-finansowego/, accessed on: 29 January 2023.
- Jak długo jeszcze będą rosły ceny mieszkań w Polsce?, online: http://www.komercja24.pl/jak-dlugo-jeszcze-beda-rosly-ceny-mieszkan-w-polsce/, accesed on: 29 January 2023.
- Patyk Agnieszka, Rekordowy napływ inwestycji zagranicznych do Polski! Dzięki BIZ utworzono 339 tys. miejsc pracy, “Obserwator Gospodarczy”, 5 May 2022, online: https://obserwatorgospodarczy.pl/2022/05/05/rekordowy-naplyw-inwestycji-zagranicznych-do-polski-dzieki-biz-utworzono-339-tys-miejsc-pracy/, accessed on: 30 January 2023.
- Turek Bartosz, Ceny gruntów rolnych (ornych) w Polsce 2020/2021, “INFOR PL”, 9.02.2021, online: https://mojafirma.infor.pl/nieruchomosci/wiadomosci/5193130,Ceny-gruntow-rolnych-ornych-w-Polsce-20202021.html, accessed on: 30 January 2023.